
Doing All The Good We Can

We are committed to making sure we do all the good we can, in all the ways we can, as often as we can, especially with your financial gifts. We give thanks for the ways this church family generously gives their time, service, talents, and treasures through so many acts of worship, and we invite you to join us in our movement of everyday generosity! 

Whether it be serving as an usher, volunteering in Sunday School, sewing prayer shawls, using text-to-give, or dropping some dollars into the giving bucket. Each and every act of generosity matters and helps change the lives of others. Everyone's gifts and service are acts of worship that truly bring us all closer to our Creator! 

Finance News

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Additional Ways to Give

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

One easy step each year guarantees that the church will receive your gifts on a regular basis. To establish an electronic funds transfer, you will need to complete a short form authorizing the EFT and attach a voided check for the account you will use. Contact the church office to receive the form we will need from you.  If you used EFT in previous years, you do not need to resubmit a form or voided check. 

Stock and Mutual Funds

Stocks and other securities are a welcome gift. For stocks or funds that have appreciated over time, many members have found the capital gains tax savings make this an ideal way to fulfill their commitment.

IRA & 401K Distributions

Contributing a portion of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) directly to Cross Winds is another way to give that can result in tax savings for you.  Contact your tax or investment advisor to see how this might be of benefit for your specific situation.

Endowment Fund

For additional information on the Endowment Fund click the button below

Endowment Fund